Thursday, April 19, 2012

29 Weeks

Hello Butternut Squash!
Tons of pics to come soon of our new house!  
We don't have internet access yet, so I am jotting this entry 
very quickly so I can get back and work on the house!
Reflections this Week:
How Far Along?: 29 weeks, wow!!! 
Total Weight Gain: still hovering around 16-17 lbs
Clothing: whatever fits, we have a daily struggle since I usually just throw on whatever is comfortable and looks okay, now I actually have to spend time considering what to wear, this is unfamiliar territory for me!
Catching Zzzzs: this has gotten easier since we bought a house and I am exhausted from cleaning and getting it ready for our little baby, my feet seriously kill at the end of each day
Best Moments of the Week: we closed on OUR house last Friday and have spent every possible second cleaning, painting (VOC free paint, of course!), scrubbing, moving, etc...  too many verbs for one sentence, I am so tired and just want it to be ready and comfortable
Miss Anything?: using whatever cleaning supplies I want, standing on ladders without causing fear in my mother in law (hehe, love you Irene!) not worrying about working too hard... this has been a hard week to be pregnant when I like to help and lug heavy things and "pull my weight" so to speak... it's hard not doing the things I normally wouldn't think twice about, but it's worth it for little Will
Movements: still lots, but I think he's starting to get a bit cramped in there
Food Cravings: watermelon... I would eat it every day if only someone would deliver
Queasy/Sick: nope
Gender: a little boy who will be able to find fat wiggly tadpoles in his pond, along with spotted salamanders and cat tails... I'm not sure who's going to love it more, his mama, his daddy, or Will!
Labor Signs: some scary early contractions landed us in the E.R. Saturday, but everything is fine now and Will is doing great, just no fun for us and it means I have to slow down
Symptoms: some BH contractions, LOTS of heartburn waking me up in the middle of the night, trying to sleep on my left side but my hip always starts aching in the night, helllooo third trimester, everything everyone said about you was true
Belly Button: flatter
Wedding Rings: on
I'm feeling: excited, but overwhelmed by all that needs to be done to get the house ready, I need an army of volunteers, but thank goodness my wonderful in-laws came to help with a million odd jobs, what a life saver!
Looking Forward to: meeting our son, someday sleeping normally (although when the time comes that our little guy makes his arrival, sleep will be a long lost friend) and having this house clean, painted, and William-ready! Really, I will just be happy to have the furniture moved in so we can be comfortable!

"Hey Mama, look what I can do!
 adapted from
You can't call me peanut, I'm as big as a squash now!  I weigh about 2 1/2 pounds & measure just a bit over 15 inches long from head to heel.  My muscles & lungs are continuing to mature and my head is getting bigger to make room for my brain, it keeps growing because I keep getting smarter.  My brain is developing billions of neurons and I'm adding even more baby pudge so I'm ready for life in the outside world.  My bones are soaking up lots of calcium (about 250 milligrams per day) so my mom's drinking lots of milk & eating yogurt and cheese.  

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