Friday, June 1, 2012

35 Weeks

Reflections this Week:
How Far Along?:  only 5 weeks to go, unbelievable!
Total Weight Gain: around 19 lbs.
Clothing: lots of summer dresses that are s-t-r-e-t-c-h-y!
Catching Zzzzs: not the easiest thing in the world
Best Moments of the Week: surprise baby shower thrown by my colleagues at school and my sister drove 3 hours to be there too, it was amazing and I feel continually blessed by the outpouring of love from family & friends
Miss Anything?: waking up without sore feet, being able to sit/stand, etc... comfortably
Movements: still lots, especially around 9 pm and during the day whenever I am reading out loud 
Food Cravings: not as much these days, but watermelon is still always yummy!
Queasy/Sick: that ship sailed long ago, good riddance!
Gender: mama's boy, he would have loved seeing me evict the snapping turtle from our pond today, I can't have a turtle nipping at his toes!
Labor Signs: occasional BH contractions
Symptoms: ferocious heartburn waking me up at 1:30 am nightly, along with several bathroom trips in the night and constantly during the day, feet have been getting puffy at the end of the day and I think we may need to find a clever way to remove my toe ring because it will be stuck in no time
Belly Button: looking weird these days!
Wedding Rings: on
I'm feeling: excited and a little nervous too, especially after watching The Business of Being Born last night, which I thought was very interesting to say the least, but has me wishing I'd gone with a midwife (darn insurance) I'm not nervous about the pain, it's more about not being able to make decisions for myself and the thought of possibly being pressured into doing things I'm not comfortable with (c-section, epidural, pitocin, etc...) but luckily my doctor is amazing and knows how I feel, she's in my corner and that gives me a lot of comfort so I know it's all going to work out the way it's meant to.
Looking Forward to: meeting William Christopher, getting the house more finished (it's getting close!) and making some fun art for the playroom. 

"Hey Mama, look what I can do!
 adapted from 
It's getting crowded in here!!!  I am around 18 inches long and have much less room to wiggle!  I weigh about 5 1/4 pounds and can't really somersault much anymore!  I can keep kicking though! :)  Now, most of my basic physical development is complete, I'll just keep adding weight to get ready for my big debut!

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